Wednesday 17th December 2014 – Going Out on a High

It looks as though Shadow is planning to go out on a high. I’m awaiting confirmation today, but my Mistress thinks that her season started yesterday. Her normal best mating days are days 10,11 and 12 – and if yesterday counts as number 1 then day 10 is… yes you’ve guessed – Christmas Day! Now the timing all gets a bit complicated. The best way to make sure she is absolutely ready is to have a progesterone test, but of course vets and laboratories aren’t open over Christmas. My Mistress is thinking her best bet is to be in Switzerland by the afternoon of the 23rd so they can get one done there, hopefully before everywhere closes for Christmas – or Weihnachten as we are now calling it in our house in preparation for her trip. Shadow was always going to be the sort of dog to make an impact and she’s certainly living up to those ideas. It means we won’t get a Christmas dinner, which is not something I’m overly thrilled by, but I’m guessing we’ll all still get to eat, even if it’s beer and pizza. It is going to mean my Mistress missing my Master’s birthday and she’s really very sorry to be doing that, but as he can’t go with her there is not a great deal she can do. Of course Shadow may get up today and say it’s all a false alarm and she’s not ready, but in her heart my Mistress doesn’t think there is a great deal of likelihood of that.

I had my last swimming session for a couple of weeks yesterday. Now I can put my paws up and relax. Having said that I don’t dislike it too much these days, although I can’t see choosing to do it if I weren’t made to go.

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