Ari has been increasingly disappearing off to other parts of the house while my Mistress is working. She thought he was in the bed in the kitchen, but it turns out he’s been sleeping in one bed after another upstairs. She went into the spare bedroom and found the duvet all ruffled and covered in dog hair. Then she went into Andy’s room and sure enough the same was true of his bed… and the settee… and her bed! When confronted he explained that he seeks out the warmest spot in the house and then moves to another one when his fancy takes him. It has been explained to him that the guest room is out of bounds and that just because our Mistress has red hair does not mean he can act out the story of The Three Bears with her having to go round the house saying ‘Who’s been sleeping in my bed?’ Besides which, in the story it is Goldilocks who gets to do the sleeping and I think our Mistress might be a little bit jealous.
I had to go swimming yesterday. I didn’t think it was my week, but my Mistress is concerned that with my lack of desire to go for a walk I’m not doing enough exercise and am losing muscle tone. Does she really think at my age I still want to be working on a six-pack stomach? I was thinking of entering my dotage getting slowly unfit and flabby, but apparently while that might be all right for many humans it is not what she is expecting of me. I guess she is leading by example by trying to get into shape herself, but I’m not keen. She’s even asking how she can get me to go for more walks with her, but I just shrugged. It’s cold and windy out there and I’m not keen. She even said perhaps we should get me a treadmill, but quite honestly, what is the point in that. The only point of going for walks is to sniff everything along the way and if I can’t do that it’s just a chore.
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