Sunday 28th September 2014 – Oh Dear

I was going to give you an update on Aristotle’s training, but I’m going to have to save that for tomorrow. We’ve got a bit of a problem. Yesterday morning the internet and telephone were working fine. Then my Master and Mistress went out to get their costumes fitted for the pantomime and when they came back neither the internet not the telephone were working. Not at all, not even a little bit. My Mistress’s first thought was that it would be back on in five minutes. When it wasn’t, her second thought was that it was an area problem. Anyway she used her mobile phone to contact the telephone company and thought no more about it. That was until they were getting some more boxes out of the loft to sort through (another of our Mistress’s ridiculous ideas) and it seems that in addition to the bird mess from the nest there was up there, there also seems to be mouse droppings. My Mistress quickly developed a sinking feeling that she may know what has happened to our telephone line as that comes into the loft and then runs to everywhere from that. She is hoping that she is wrong as if she isn’t it’s going to be both expensive and difficult to sort out. In the meantime there is a discussion taken place about how best to get the mice to leave. My Mistress is basically a pacifist and hates hurting even small animals that she is not planning to eat and she has no plan to eat mouse. I offered to help, but I don’t think I can manage the ladder to the loft and I might not be careful enough while up there. My Master is prepared to be more ruthless, but even my Mistress is seeing the need to get them out of there quickly before more damage is done!

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