Tuesday 16th September 2014 – You’re not going to believe this

I should have told you yesterday but it slipped my mind with the excitement of being home. I am an abused dog. When we got home my Mistress was a little distracted. It was teatime as I pointed out to her. She explained with the time zone change she needed to get me back to my normal eating time, which is fair enough to an extent. Anyway, when she accepted it was time she gave me my joint care bar and put my food ready in my bowl on the side. I was savouring the joint care bar, so she went into the kitchen… and forgot my bowl. Anyway, I went and found her and barked to tell her she had forgotten my main course. She thought I was just trying to start an argument thinking I wanted a chew. She told me off and went off to do other things. An hour later she said as I had been good I could have my chew… but she still didn’t remember my main course. Now I’m not a dog to make a big issue out of anything so I found myself a sad little corner where I could dream of my blue bowl making its way off the bench onto the floor so that I could eat the delicious contents. I thought maybe telepathy would come into play, but it didn’t. I actually had to go to bed without my tea. Then in the morning I woke early because I was hungry and because of the time difference and I woofed gently to ask for breakfast, but all I got was ‘No, Alfie you have to wait.’ I barked at that point, trying to say I had been waiting, but the words didn’t come out right and she thought I was arguing again. Eventually she went to get my bowl and oh the remorse when she realised what had happened. I traded on it all day and got all sorts of extras to compensate. Of course it wasn’t worth being hungry, but you have to make the most of an opportunity once it is presented. She has promised faithfully that it will never happen again and I plan to hold her to that.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com