Friday 2nd May 2014 – Drinking swimming water

My Mistress wasn’t very well yesterday and I said to her she needs to make sure her mouth is shut when she swims. She tells us often enough, I just thought I’d mention it as it wouldn’t surprise me at all if that were the cause. These humans are very good at giving advise but not so good at thinking things through for themselves!

The change in the weather yesterday led to a fractious day all round. The door wasn’t open for us to come and go as we pleased and it was cold and wet anyway. The day was generally grey and the only possible entertainment was to wind each other up, which we have become remarkably proficient at. We spent the day setting a barking chain going. Shadow sat by the front window, Ari sat by the back and I sat in the middle. If one or other of them saw something, anything, a leaf, a twig, a bird, anything, then they barked and I passed it along the line. When it got to something really exciting like the postman then we had a real frenzy. My Mistress got very cross with us very quickly. She was trying to work, and with not feeling well too, the last thing she needed was us all keep barking. She didn’t care that it was keeping us entertained and that if we didn’t do that we might find something far worse to do. She thought we should sit patiently twiddling our paws until the weather improved. Who’s she kidding? Given that this is England that could be weeks away. At least in the end she gave in and let us have a log fire to watch and snuggle down in front of.

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