Thursday 1st May 2014 – Writing Competition

It would be remiss of me not to tell you that the first Alfie Dog Fiction writing competition is launching on today. First prize is publication of your short story collection AND £200 in cash, there is a runner up prize as well. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are based as long as you are writing in English. As you will have gathered, my Mistress’s language learning skills have not progressed to being able to judge work in other languages and between you and me they probably never will! Anyway, you’ve got until the end of September to enter and all it costs is to download 5 stories by different authors from the site. Given the stories are only 39p that isn’t much at all and as you can pay by Paypal you don’t have to worry if your use a different currency.

We are all getting excited about our maternal human grandparents coming to see us on Sunday. I’m always excited about seeing Granny and Ari is always excited about seeing Grandpa. Shadow has never been quite so fussed, but she’ll still make the most of them while they are here.

Shadow was rather pleased with herself yesterday as the vet complemented her on how well she is looking and what good shape she is back in following her third litter. We’re all in pretty good shape right now, with the possible exception of our Mistress, but even she is working on it. She went swimming again yesterday and swam 400 metres, although she had to stop a couple of times due to getting cramp in her feet. That’s something I’ve not experienced yet, which is probably as well.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at