I thought it best to allow a photo to be taken to show you my new collar. I’m not a photogenic dog most of the time. I don’t really like to see pictures of myself, particularly now I am going a little grey but it was the best way to show you just how lovely my collar is. It matches the lead that I’m only allowed to use on special occasions. I think not being able to use it is more about it being uncomfortable to hold than about it being expensive. My Mistress prefers a lead that is soft on her hands.
Megan’s progesterone was at 2.6 in her test last night. She has another test tomorrow and we will hear about that one on Thursday. It may mean she goes to see Rino on Thursday or it may be Friday before she is ready. I will let you know when I hear.
Everywhere we go, people who don’t know our breed say ‘they look a bit like a Beagle’. It happens all the time. The funniest was when a man holding a Beagle said it and my Mistress wondered just how well he knew his own dog as she had Shadow who looked nothing like the Beagle on the end of the lead that the man was holding. It happened to Aristotle on Sunday evening at the last place they stayed. He was most indignant. ‘I am not a Beagle,’ he said quite sharply. ‘I’m an Entlebucher.’ Of course while he felt better to have asserted his identity the person who was asking was none the wiser. I don’t get it quite as often these days as I’m bigger and look a bit less like one as a result. There are worse dogs to be compared to than Snoopy.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com