Wednesday 9th April 2014 – A dog with two tails

Ari and Tess
Ari and Tess

Aristotle was like a dog with two tails when I spoke to him last night. He had a wonderful time seeing Tess. She didn’t want him to leave at the end of it. They had rolled around and played together and had a great time. She kept jumping on him and saying she couldn’t believe he was really there. He said it really helped to make up for all the time he had to spend in the car and for having to eat his tea outside a motorway service station. Tonight they are staying in a place in France just off the motorway in the strange motel place that works well with dogs but you probably wouldn’t choose otherwise. My Mistress said she is in the same room she had last time so maybe they save that one for dogs for some reason. At least this time it didn’t smell as though someone had been smoking in it, which it did last time.

My Mistress said it was interesting how much further forward plants were as they travelled south. It was all very well but the oil seed rape was affecting her eyes and nose and making them all itchy. She says it’s not normally like that here until May, but maybe everything is just earlier this year.

It’s very quiet here without them. I know Aristotle is missing us, he said so, but we miss him too. I offered to help with the washing up, but my services were declined. Watering the garden is one thing, but apparently licking plates clean is not considered part of my duties. Looking on the bright side at least I haven’t got to spend all day in the car today as Ari has. As long as things go to plan he’ll be heading for Zurich today.

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