Thursday 3rd April 2014 – That was close

When my Mistress announces that two of the three of us are off to the vet I cross my claws, close my eyes and start chanting under my breath ‘Please, not me. Please, not me.’ As it turned out I could breathe a sigh of relief. Of course I hadn’t complained of anything that needed the vet, but you can never be too certain what a human has in store for you. Anyway, Aristotle had to go to have his chip checked before his trip next week and Shadow was the one to suffer as she had to have her inoculations. It wasn’t all good news as my Mistress came back armed with worming tablets for us. Mine to take now and Aristotle’s for when he is on his return trip into England.  To be honest, I don’t mind those as they are wrapped in marzipan to make them easier to swallow and you know how much I like marzipan!

My Mistress has applied for her visa waiver for America so she definitely intends to go. So much has changed since she last flew anywhere that she is being very careful to check what things she can take on the plane and what she must leave behind. To be honest she isn’t safe with sharp objects so I’m quite glad she can’t carry any of those! She has booked most of her hotels and seems to be ultra-organised as usual. I keep urging her to get it all done as the then she can start booking the holiday that I am being taken on, but that’s not until later in the year. I just want to see my name on a ticket and know I’m really going to have a special holiday with them. I’ve asked if it will be possible to leave time to call in to see my family in Belgium on that trip and my Mistress says she will try to arrange it, which I take as a good sign.

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