Tuesday 28th January 2014 – weigh in and video

I was thrilled in the comments earlier to have the congratulations of the puppies’ father Falk. My Mistress keeps telling me what a lovely gentle dog he is and in some ways similar to me. I feel quite flattered.

The puppies are doing a little better. The average gain today was 75g and everyone gained reasonably. Cinderella and Cracker are in the lead at 2780g having gained 90 and 100g respectively. Chekov is next at 2760g having gained 80g. Casanova gained 60g to reach 2540g. Cosette gained 60g to reach 2500g and little Cuddles gained60g to reach 2230g.

They seem to be awake much more today and were playing vigorously at a time my Mistress would have normally expected them to be asleep. They weren’t crying that they were hungry they were just awake. They are starting to keep the area where they eat and play quite clean. Not absolutely clean, but on the whole they are deciding to go to the toilet in other places. There is one end of the pen which they are encouraged to go in, but it can take a while for them to get that. It would be understood sooner if my Mistress didn’t insist on cleaning up after them so quickly. Worryingly she was excited earlier that there are now more poos to clean up in a day than there are puppies. I know it’s an important part of their development but it isn’t something I would get excited about.

You can see today’s video here http://youtu.be/2IwICZtyOxE

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com