Friday 26th April 2013 – So funny…for me anyway!

Yesterday it was miserable and drizzling in the morning. My Mistress told Megan that they’d go for a nice long walk at lunchtime, in the hope that by then it would be fine. Megan had said she was feeling completely better so as she hadn’t been able to go out for a few days, could they possibly make it a long walk and my Mistress had agreed. When they set off the weather was fine, so my Mistress didn’t bother with a coat. Will she never learn? They’d been gone about twenty minutes when the rain started. It was that really wet type of rain that goes through everything. I half wondered if they’d turn back but my Mistress told Megan a deal was a deal and they carried on oblivious to the rain. They came back looking very wet. The bit that made it funniest was that an hour after they got back, the sun came out ant it was much nicer.

Aristotle is being threatened with a much more rigorous training regime. He’s been told he can’t get away with playing the puppy card anymore and he needs to behave as an adult dog. He’s had the whole ‘You can’t expect freedom without responsibility’ lecture that we’ve all had, children and dogs included. In our case it revolves around not jumping up, not barking, not whining when we can’t have our own way, rather than so much about bedtime and levels of pocket money. Although I seem to remember there may have been a negotiation around bone allowance once in a while. For Aristotle’s part he’s got to sit when asked, without demanding to be given the reward first. He has to walk nicely on his lead and not jump either on the humans or me! I was a fervent supporter of that last point.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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