Tuesday 25th September 2012 – I know I’ve said this before, but…

At last they are coming home and this time the plan is to come all the way home. The shortcut round Strasbourg worked well yesterday and Megan didn’t want to go to the stud dog again, so there wasn’t quite so much driving as my Mistress had feared. Today they will set off on what we hope is the almost final leg of the journey and the real business of the girls putting their paws up can begin. I do hope after all this that they are both pregnant. It would not be good to go to these lengths and not have the patter of tiny paws at the end of it. Aristotle is already getting excited about the prospect of having lots of brothers and sisters around. I did explain he wouldn’t really get to play with them, but I don’t think he has entirely grasped that they start so small. He’s a happy dog anyway as in preparation for his usual sleeping place being turned into the maternity ward, he has moved to sleep upstairs in my Master and Mistress’s bedroom alongside me. Apparently my Mistress was so pleased by how good he was in the hotel that she has decided it will work fine to have him upstairs. My Master didn’t mind too much when Ari got up around 6 just to check on him as he did then get back into his own bed and sleep until the alarm went off at 7. The problem is going to come when my Mistress is back and I get up at 5 to get into bed with her. Aristotle will have to understand that there is not room for both of us and that he will not be able to get in. It’s either that or my Master will have to get out to make room for him, but I cannot see that going down well.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com