Something very exciting has happened. The new pain-killers that Aristotle is on are obviously working. Now I know you may think that is the exciting thing and of course we are all very pleased indeed, but that is not what I’m excited about. As a result of them working little Aristotle is starting to cock his leg when he pees. My little Aristotle is getting all grown up. He doesn’t do it very confidently yet, but before, when he picked his back legs up the extra strain on his front legs caused discomfort. Now he can very gently raise a back paw, which makes the whole leg cocking thing possible. It’s done very gingerly at the moment and he hasn’t worked out which leg he favours. To be fair, six years on and I sometimes switch leg part way through so I guess he has time to perfect his technique.
We also had some excitement when a pair of quails decided to investigate our garden. I think they may have been looking for a suitable site to bed down and build a nest and while we boys would have happily accommodated their requirements Shadow is a bit of a bird chaser so we had to advise them that they might prefer next door or a neighbouring area of land. It was a shame to see them go, but they thanked us for our honesty and said they’d let us know if they moved in locally so that we could visit the chicks.
We have also breathed a sigh of relief that Megan’s season has not started too soon and if it starts now the timings will work out for her to be able to meet a stud dog, as long as her final tests go well. It means I can be surrogate dad to another litter of puppies and give them a good start in the world. Aristotle has been asking if he can help too, but I said he may be a little young.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –