Saturday March 31st 2012 – Good morning pups.

I have exciting news for you. Yesterday a new litter of Entlebuchers was born in the UK. Obviously if you are a Labrador reading this you are probably thinking ‘So what?’ but that’s because there are hundreds of thousands of you and litters are born every day. This however is the first litter of Entlebuchers since our little Ari was born last September. They take our numbers up from the 25 we were for the whole breed the day before yesterday. As I write this, I’m not sure how many there are and what their names are. I do know that their names will begin with the letter ‘B’ and Megan is waiting anxiously to hear if any of them are the names she is hoping to use. For us it is a day to celebrate. My Mistress says when our numbers get to 100 she is going to hold a big party to celebrate. A doggy party of course, rather than a human one. It would be amazing to see numbers like that when I was only about the 12th in the country. It just makes me more excited looking forward to when we have our next litter of puppies here. I did enjoy being the surrogate father and giving them a tender lick to welcome them to the world. It’s amazing to look at Aristotle now, nearly my size, and think that six months ago he was just the tiny runt of Shadow’s litter. I think I’ve done quite a good job of bringing him up. He’s my protégé. It’s good to think he will be around to look after me in my old age. He’s off to see the specialist about his leg on Monday. I’m just hoping it is nothing serious. He’s asked me to go with him, but it will depend what the weather is like as I shall have to stay in the car while he’s examined and to be honest I don’t like going to the vet at the best of times.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –