Wednesday 22nd February 2012 – Ari Announces the Result

I was allowed to pick the winner out of the hat. Well when I say ‘hat’ it was more of a dog bowl, but it had the same effect. We asked you:

  1. At what time and on what day is the final of Crufts Factor? The answer is Saturday 10th March at 4pm. You can find out more about it here – it looks great fun.
  2. Which political party is Alfie the founder of? It is of course The Pet Dogs’ Democratic Party – if you want to join then drop Alfie an email.
  3. Which wonderful dog food is the principle sponsor of Crufts this year? The answer is Eukanuba and I have to say in this house four out of four dogs recommend it!
  4. What animal am I named after? This had some of you confused. I think you forgot it was me asking the questions and were trying to work out why Alfie is called Alfie – that was simply because my Mistress liked it. I on the other paw was named after the rabbit that lasted 24 hours before being returned to the pet shop for his own safety (from Alfie!)
  5. I will be attending Discover Dogs on the Entlebucher Stand. Which hall of the NEC will Discover Dogs be in? And the answer is hall 3 – with all the other 200 breeds who will be attending. That’s a lot of types of dog. I’m very excited.

And the winner is Carolyn Cordran – well done Carolyn and I do hope that I can get to meet you and have my photo taken with you.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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