Friday 20th January 2012 – Allergies, ebooks and the ‘dog-biscuit standard’!

My Mistress is not that happy today. She has to go to a special hospital unit where they are doing lots of testing about her allergies. To be honest I do feel quite sorry for her. She has not been able to take her tablets and yesterday she kept coming out in rashes for no apparent reason, because things were affecting her. She spent all day itching. Today she is having lots of little needles stuck into her arms with things that she will probably react to. She is going to look like a blotchy red pin cushion by the time she comes home. It will be good if they can help her in the long run though, so you do need to be optimistic about it all, but then that’s easier for me as I’m the one that is at home here in charge of the others. To be honest our friend Avril is coming to help me with opening the door to let everyone out when they need to go, but I can do most of the other things. It does mean I have to try and entertain Ari while I’m doing my work and that is never easy.

I made the mistake of asking my Mistress if there was anything I could do to help while she was out and have landed myself with the job of finishing formatting an ebook that she is publishing for a writers group she belongs to. So far I’ve got as far as reading the story and although it is not the sort of thing I would usually read, I’m quite enjoying it. I did say I would help with the big economic report she is writing, but she thought it was going to be looked down on as it was written by a non-professional economist without adding the name of a dog as joint author. I can see where she’s come from but I do have some very good ideas of how to solve the Euro crisis, even if they are a little unconventional. And to be honest, now that she has explained the previous ‘gold standard’ a little bit further I can see why dog biscuits may not be an adequate substitute.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –