The four remaining puppies had a quiet night, thinking about their missing brothers and sister. They were delighted to see pictures of their arrivals of at their new homes and can’t wait to be doing their own exploring. Duke says he’s feeling excited but nervous about today. My Mistress has been telling him about stations and trains and all the new things he will encounter. Megan is taking my Master to the station to meet his owners this morning and then he will be on his way. Adrienne’s owner has set off on her long journey to collect Adrienne and she is another excited puppy. She has to wait until tomorrow to leave as the journey is so far. I hope Adrienne likes car travel!
What my Mistress cannot work out is how, when there are now only four puppies, she has had to clean up no less than 11 piles of poo this morning. There were seven piles overnight and then each of them went again after breakfast. Her only thought is that somehow overnight they had a very quiet party and invited some other puppy friends in to use the facilities. That theory seems a little unlikely to me and I have suggested that they were more likely to have some mischievous little gnomes round.
What was really sad this morning was that while my Mistress cleaned out the puppies she put them in the little pen and Shadow immediately got in with them and tried to feed them even though her milk has now dried up. It was very sad and I don’t think there is any doubt that she is missing her babies.
I need to revise the puppy poo count. By 9.20 this morning they had reached 14 piles. That is the number we were getting for 7 puppies by this time of day. It was supposed to get less as the puppies left. I think they are trying to make up for their missing siblings. Do you think when the six have left that Aristotle will see it as his duty to poo the same amount as seven puppies would?
Today would have been Annette’s day under normal circumstances and as she is staying another week I’m sure there will be lots of photos of her yet to come, but we took this one yesterday not long before Arnie left of Annette snuggling up to her brother.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –