Sunday 6th November 2011 – Alan and lots of piles of poo!

You’ve got to worry about my Mistress. Last night, she started working out how many more piles of puppy poo she would have to clear up before the puppies started to leave home. At that point, until the third one leaves there was going to be 430 to do. The good news is that since then another fourteen have been dealt with!

My Mistress has her keyboard exam this afternoon so she is rather nervous and a little distracted. It will be the first music exam she has done. She says there may have been the odd end of year one in high school, but music wasn’t really taken all that seriously in her class all those years ago. On a good day she will do ok, but if she has a bad day then anything is possible. She really isn’t the least bit naturally musical but is thoroughly enjoying it. I shall probably have done my video update before she goes so I’ll have to tell you how she gets on tomorrow.

Alan and Aristotle had visitors yesterday. We shall have to wait to see in the next day or two whether they would like to have one as a companion for their dog. Shadow really liked them. Alan seemed to like them best. He came running back to the gate after they had gone in the hope of having still more cuddles. I think Aristotle was worn out and he had fallen straight off to sleep.

Alan has been gaining weight very well and even yesterday when the others had a slow day he still added another 190g. He is determined not to let being small a t birth stand in his way.

The sun is shining this morning so as long as that doesn’t change by the time my Mistress gets dressed then maybe we will take the puppies out to stretch their legs. I will of course take the camera too.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –