Another important day
Today is another important day in our household. Not just because I’m going for a walk with Salvo and Izzy, which I am really looking forward to, but because today is Dad’s 60th birthday. We all plan to spoil him for the day because he’s the best Dad ever. It’s amazing to think that when Mum first met him he was only 20. She says he hasn’t changed, although I think it’s safe to say he has a little less hair now. They became the best of friends on Mum’s very first day at university, although it did take them another twenty years to get together. Anyway, happy birthday, Dad. We hope it’s a lovely day and that you enjoy it.
My Christmas Day
My Christmas Day was lovely in places and strange in others. I have never coped well with people wearing hearing aids. I do love Granny and I know she loves me, but I just don’t want to be near her hearing aid. In the end I was happier to be in my own quiet corner out of the way while we had visitors yesterday. Ari said that suited him too as he had everyone to himself and really made the most of it. He thoroughly enjoyed sharing ‘my’ chair with Mum while they all sat in the lounge. I know it’s my own fault that I felt a little left out, but I just can’t get over the noise hearing aids can make and how it hurts my ears.
Wonderful walk
Mum took my to the racecourse after lunch. She said it all felt a bit too peopley to her too by that point and some fresh air to clear her head was just what she needed. We drove there in record time as there was no one on the roads. We only saw a few people at the racecourse too. We wished them all a Merry Christmas as we walked past them. What was funny was that some people seemed surprised when they did. I wondered if they hadn’t realised it was Christmas Day, but Mum said they were probably just surprised to have a complete stranger talk to them.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chris. Have a great day. Love from Sheila, Mark and Dottie XXX
Thank you. I’ll tell him.
Love Wilma