Poor Ari
Poor Ari, he spent all his swimming lesson shaking. He says he doesn’t even know why he was feeling so anxious. Mum said he was a very good boy and even got into the water without too much complaint. He swam when he was supposed to and as always just wanted to keep swimming. However, the whole time from when he got out of the car to when he came home he was shaking. If it weren’t doing him so much good Mum wouldn’t want to put him through it. The truth is though that he really needs it, so Mum’s hoping that after a few more times he will get used to it again.
Busy dog walk
I had a wonderful walk at the racecourse. There were just so many dogs to say hello to and everyone was really friendly. We met a whole group of Collies which is always a pleasure. We had a laugh about which of us should play sheep and which would do the herding. There were some dogs with balls and I just wanted to go to join in. I guess being a warm sunny day, after how the weather has been, just brought everyone out.
I think I’m doing the local circuit with Dad today while Mum deals with the shopping order and the boiler engineer.
Days out are like buses
It seems days out are a bit like buses. You don’t have any for ages and then two come along at once. I’m having another day out tomorrow. This one doesn’t involve going quite so far, for which both Ari and I are grateful. Mum says this is the last present delivery before Christmas. She has also said that Ari and I can have a look at the map to decide where we’d like to take Dad for a walk on his birthday. We can go somewhere we don’t normally go. If I don’t normally go there, how do I know that’s where I want to go?