Yesterday was all about puppies. Don’t worry, there are no new additions to our household. Mum has been helping four families to import puppies of our breed to join their families. She and Tilly’s Mum have been working very hard to sort everything out. Then yesterday finally the sister and three brothers arrived in the UK and met their families. We are so happy for them. Mum says she can now start to look at helping other families. She wanted to make sure everything went smoothly first.
I can’t wait for the opportunity to meet them sometime. Mind you, I want to meet Tilly too to compare notes on just how much time our humans are spending doing things like this when they could be out with us.
And then it rained
Oh my did it rain yesterday. We had a bit of a funny incident at tea time. It was raining so hard that the guttering was overflowing by the back door. The problem was that it was then firing a stream of water at whoever was standing in the way if you opened the door. Of course, we left it to Mum and she wasn’t best pleased. In the end she had to use one of our bowls to hold above her to go outside without getting drenched.
It rained so heavily that Mum said she thought we had more than we’ve had in the rest of year put together, but she may have been exaggerating. Needless to say, we didn’t go out for a walk, but I was totally cool with that as even I draw the line at going out in that amount of water. I’d have needed flippers and a snorkel never mind a coat!
Today it is forecast to be dry. Mum says we’ll go for a walk that makes up for yesterday, but I’m not really sure where yet. It needs to be somewhere that hasn’t flooded or turned into a quagmire.