Eleven years old
Today Aristotle and his brothers and sisters are eleven years old. A very happy birthday to Ari, Amigo, Rafa, Sogeli and Dora. We also remember Arnie and Addie somewhere over the rainbow bridge keeping our Alfie company. Shadow was in reminiscing mood when we were talking about it. His birth was a Monday too. She said it was odd being her first time. You think about what’s going to happen and worry you won’t know what to do, but so much of it comes naturally. You don’t know how you know what actions to take, but you do. She and Mum were glad that it was a daytime birth for her first litter, it made life much easier. They hadn’t had much sleep all weekend, but at least they know the vet would be on hand for advice if they needed her.

All very civilised
The birth was all very civilised from how Mum and Shadow describe it. Shadow gave birth to four of her puppies in the morning and regular intervals. There was enough time to clean each one up and have it starting to suckle before the next one came along. Then they all had a bit of a break for lunch before four more were born in the afternoon. Sadly, little Aisha, who was named after Shadow’s real name, didn’t make it. She lived for a few hours, but died in Mum’s arms at 3am the following morning.
Ari was the runt of the litter, but a fighter from the start. He was determined that one way or another he was going to survive. That was how he came to stay living here. Mum bonded so closely with him, trying to give him extra feeds and take special care of him. She’s been doing that ever since – the special care bit anyway.
Love from all of us
Our love to all five of the remaining siblings. Have a wonderful birthday and we’ll raise a bowl to toast your old age. I hope the others still think they are puppies as much as Ari does.
Happy birthday Ari. I hope you have a steak on the menu.
There was no steak! Ari said he didn’t mind. He was more upset about the lack of ice cream. What is the world coming to?
Love Wilma
Herzliche Gratulation zum 11. Geburtstag. Wünschen noch viele gemeinsame >Jahre mit euren Familien Wie schnell doch die Zeit vergeht.
Liebe Grüsse vom Berner Oberland mit all den lustigen und schreckhaften Erinnerungen an die Zeit im August 2011. Mikrochipstory!!!!!!
Liebe Grüsse senden alle vom Kornried
Oh thank you yes. Shadow said it was quite a year. Not one she would want to repeat!
All our love
Wilma and family
Happy Belated Birthdays! And remember the ‘old’ adage: “Age is only a number after all. It’s what you do with it that counts.” And with you guys, life is ONE big adventure! I have been following you for over two years now and there really never is a dull moment with you all!
Oh thank you, how lovely. Ari really does think of himself as a puppy most of the time – a very spoilt puppy. I’ve realised I can’t jump into the vegetable troughs quite so easily, so maybe some parts of me have got a little older