My birthday – Monday 25th July 2022

It’s My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I’m seven years old. It’s a day to send greetings to my Mama Susie and say thank you to her. She’s fourteen now and I miss her. Happy birthday to my brothers and sisters too. I do hope they are all well. I’m not in touch with them which is a shame. I’d love to see them all and compare how our lives have turned out.

I was the guinea pig

Ari said he didn’t want to be a guinea pig yesterday so I had to do it. It wasn’t difficult to show Mum and Dad what I really wanted in a crate for the boot. To be honest it’s pretty much what I’ve got now. I don’t really want a smaller one. If it was smaller we wouldn’t be able to divide it into two separate parts and whichever two of us it was for would have to sit on top of each other. That’s ok with me and Ari but Shadow hates it when we sit on her now. She says it’s too uncomfortable.

Lovely walk

Being a guinea pig did have the advantage that once I was in the car it was a shame not to go somewhere fun. We went up to the Lickey Hills. It was Dad’s choice but I’d have chosen it if I’d thought about it. We saw quite a few dogs. I was very well behaved except when the German Shepherd gave me ‘a look’. Oh that set me barking. Sadly, I rather scared a poodle who clearly isn’t used to loud barks. I sometimes forget what a loud voice I have.

My birthday stumpie with Dad

Then we came home so Mum could do some gardening with Aristotle. It would have been all right, but once they’d started he said he was too hot and went inside. Mum carried on regardless and Shadow and I watched her from the shade.




    • Thank you. I have to admit to having a little steak last night. Now I’m hoping the lamb in the fridge is for me

  1. Herzliuche Gratulation zu deinem 7. Geburtstag liebe Wilma.
    Wir wünschen Dir einen schönen Tag mit vielen Ueberraschungen und vorallen gute Gesundheit Alles Liebe vom berner Oberland aus dem Kornried
    Whoopy vom Kornried, Tosca vom Rickental, Beija-Flor aus Welliehausen und Fenja vom Kornried mit Maja und Fritz

  2. Hi Wilma, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope you have a lovely day. We like the picture of you out with your Dad yesterday. Lots of love to you all.
    Sheila and Mark XXXXX

  3. Dear Wilma, it’s hard to believe you are 7 years old today! You were such a sweet puppy, a little wild, but always kind. Me and your sister Valeria wish you a very happy birthday. Be a good dog and take good care of Ros and Chris, Shadow and Ari. Don’t make mischief in the garden and don’t bark so much. I love you, your mummy Susi

    • Dearest Mama,
      Thank you. I’m doing my best to be a good girl.
      Your ever loving daughter

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