Chocolate crisis – Thursday 21st July 2022

Chocolate crisis

There is a chocolate crisis in the house. Don’t worry, it’s not us dogs and Mum hasn’t run out. Neither of those things would be a simple crisis – they would have been a catastrophe. The crisis is because of the hot weather. Mum took a chocolate bar out of the cupboard and it looked more like a Salvador Dali clock. She began an urgent mission to move all her chocolate supplies to the fridge, in the hope they might recover. It’s only at times like that you realise just how much chocolate Mum has hiding away. I’m more than a little concerned about her. We also now have a fridge full of chocolate.

Rain Dance

I’ve been outside with Aristotle doing a rain dance. We only had a few spots when it did rain the other day and that’s not enough for very much at all. Ari is worried about what is going to happen to his vegetables if there is a hosepipe ban. Mum said he’ll have to use the watering can, but it will take him most of the day to do that. Mum ordered water butts in May and they still haven’t arrived, which doesn’t help at all. At least when they do come they will go right near where Ari has his vegetable patch so it won’t be too far to carry it. If he’s really clever he might be able to set up an irrigation system.


Shadow says now the antibiotics have started to work she’s feeling quite a bit better again. Her lungs are clear again and she’s definitely doing ok. Mum is not sure if it is all down to her bad teeth and whether she might need to stay on a low dose of the antibiotics. She can’t see how the two things are linked, but there does seem to be a pattern.

