I’m distraught. My trip to Switzerland has been cancelled. Dad doesn’t know when he’ll be home yet because of covid. Mum can’t drive because of her leg. I could have gone on my own. Why of why are there these stupid rules that a perfectly capable dog can’t make her own decisions and travel plans? I want to see Mama. It’s all very well my humans being concerned about spending time with their parents now that they are elderly, but don’t they realise I have feelings for my mama too?
Mum is promising we will go as soon as it is possible but I have no idea when that will be. It’s just not fair.
Too nice to wear
Aristotle says his new collar is too nice to wear and has put it away safely. He says he wants to carry on wearing Alfie’s old one and save his new one for special occasions. I hate to be the one to point out to him that he doesn’t really have any special occasions and he’d be better to wear it now and enjoy it. If I can find where he’s put it, I might give it a go myself. Mind you, if he catches me doing that I know I’m going to regret it. Presuming he hasn’t put it in his bed, I could wait until he goes to bed at night and then try. He goes much earlier than I do. He’s a funny dog.

Claw clipping
Shadow and Ari are both disappointed that they won’t be getting their planned pedicures. They were going to ask for their claws to be clipped while they were in kennels. They need doing. Mum isn’t very good at it, so prefers to let someone else do it. I think she may have to give it a go, although that will be easier said than done at the moment. Maybe they will need to ask Dad. I’m just glad that mine are all right as they are.
Be patient, Wilma.
The time will come for you to be here – and for me to be somewhere else …
Let’s hope we’ll meet soon.
No, no, it’s not that I’am in me death throws. Don’t wait another three years, though, to come and see me to say goodbye.
Oh Mama, please don’t talk about it being goodbye. I want you to be there always. Mum says that as soon as she knows what is happening for her leg and how long it will take to heal she will make a new arrangement to bring me. I will come as soon as I can.
Your ever loving daughter