Teatime Change
There is a teatime change taking place and we’re not happy. I know it’s for a good reason but none of us wants our meal time to go back by a whole hour. Mum is still taking Granny to visit Grandpa in hospital. When she goes she isn’t home until around 4.45pm. Our meal is usually at 4pm or at least it was. It’s complicated by Shadow needing her tablet half an hour before eating. Now Mum says our teatime will move to 515pm to make it easier. Life was so much better with Dad at home. He was able to give Shadow her tablet so that we could all eat as soon as Mum came in. Now either we all have to wait or Shadow eats half an hour after me and Ari. I opted for the latter option, but Mum said it wasn’t fair.
On a roll
Mum is on a roll after fixing the side of the Ticket Office. She is now moving on to other jobs that have been waiting for the same length of time. First on the list is to get Dad’s computer fixed. She’s taking that to the repairer today and they’ve very kindly agreed to take it from her outside so she doesn’t have to go indoors. Even that is some sort of progress for her.
Our next gardening jobs are the rest of the seed planting, fixing the Signal Box and Engine Shed (both of which leak) and finishing digging out the herb garden. We like the outdoor jobs. Thankfully there are a lot of them. Apparently the grass needs cutting too. Mum’s not so pleased about that as the sit on mower still hasn’t arrived and it takes ages with the push mower – from our point of view taking a long time outdoors is a good thing. It’s all a matter of perception.