Almost perfect
Yesterday was almost perfect. The sun shone and we spent much of the day outside in the garden. Oh how we barked. We got a little bit told off for that, but these things happen. Ari helped Mum to plant the parsnip seeds. They were both happy to have them in before the end of the month. This year they are neatly labelled so Mum remembers which variety she has put where. I tried to help with some bulb planting but Mum said I must not touch them as they can be bad for dogs. It was ok, I’d found a whole pile of sticks to run off with so I was happy. Shadow was utterly worn out by the end of the day and after tea was fast asleep.
What was missing?
Why almost perfect? The one thing missing was Dad. He’d gone to see our paternal granddad, so wasn’t here to join us. Apparently if he’d been here he’d have been watching the rugby, so it didn’t really make a difference.
We even helped Mum catch up on some of the cleaning. I felt a bit bad when she moved my bed and could see just how much fur I’d shed recently. I was quite pleased I’d left it in a neat pile, but I should have cleaned it up myself really. Shadow tends to leave hers all over the house, so I’m not that bad. Having said that, since Shadow has been on a teaspoon of kelp every evening her coat has been much better. Alfie had to have kelp all the time for his coat when he was old too.
The tree
Mum has researched the tree that came down and made a decision. The poor tree is not really suitable for where it was planted and it falling over is probably a blessing. Now we just need to remove it altogether and plant something more suitable. For a start it doesn’t like frosts and with the best will in the world there’s not a lot we can do to stop those. It’s a native of Australia so it’s a long way from home. I did ask if we could add some of the safe Australian wildlife to the garden, but apparently we can’t do that either. Mum would love a quokka and I’d like a koala, sadly we’ll need to make do with foxes, deer and rabbits.