Wilma’s Christmas message
Dear friends, it’s time for me to bring you my Christmas message. Pour yourself a glass of gluhwein, even if it is early morning, wrap your dressing gown tightly around you and I’ll begin.
Time to reflect
Christmas is an important time to reflect. The original Christmas story is one of joy and hope for the world. It brings together humans and animals shoulder to shoulder in celebration. It wasn’t the innkeeper who opened his home to the weary travellers, it was the ox and ass. They shared what they had with those in need. The shepherds could only pay their homage because their dogs stayed behind to mind the sheep. The kings could only take their gifts because their camels carried them to the stable. We are equals on this journey and can help each other.
No need to be lonely
Today, many of you will be spending the day apart from your families due to the current difficulties of Covid. You don’t need to be lonely. Find animals and birds to share your day with. You will very often get better conversation out of an animal than a drunken relative. If you don’t have any animals in your home then go for a walk and feed the birds. Find a duck pond, or a park and sit a while with whichever birds and animals pass that way. We are all on this journey together and need to show each other kindness as we travel.
A Christmas message to stay positive
Don’t say ‘poor me’ because you couldn’t do what your wanted to do. Instead say ‘lucky me’ for the things you have around you to appreciate. Count your blessings not your troubles and you will be the happier for it. Take time to reflect on the happiest moments from Christmases past. Look forward with hope to Christmases yet to come, but don’t forget to be more like the animals you meet and be present in the moment of today. Enjoy the little things. Wonder at the cosiness of the duvet, the taste of the things you are fortunate enough to eat, the sound of the falling rain. Stay hopeful that the coming year will be a better one but enjoy the day you have in front of you as well.
Merry Christmas to you all and all Entlebuchers everywhere both in the UK and all round the world.
Thank you Wilma for your lovely Christmas message.
Hope you all have a lovely day. I know I am going out with Mum and Dad to see the grandchildren. They always give me a treat so I am looking forward to seeing them.
They like to see the decorations on my car cage too.
Stay safe everyone.
Lots of Love Dickens and my family XXXXXX
Thank you. Woofs and licks to you all from Wilma, Shadow, Aristotle and Mum. xxx
Merry Christmas Wilma, I love your message. I am chilling with my Dad and brothers in Toronto, and Mum has gone to visit her parents. I am looking forward to a nice Turkey dinner. My mouth was drooling earlier in the week when you were describing your turkey stew. I am feeling pretty good right now. Lots of love Winston xxx
Dearest Winston, how lovely to hear from you. Have a wonderful Christmas and I hope all your Christmas wishes come true – especially the one about the turkey stew
Lots of love
A beautiful Christmas message, Wilma! Merriest of Woof Christmases!
Thank you.
Love and licks