So far so good
So far so good for Shadow. We have managed to get through another twenty-four hours. Her scan will be on Tuesday afternoon, which is not too long to wait. She and Mum did have a duvet morning yesterday. Ari and I were sent out for play fighting around the bedroom while Mum was trying to get back to sleep. Apparently we were making too much noise. We were just having a bit of fun. The rest of the day was pretty quiet. Mum didn’t fancy doing anything much. We all spent some time listening to the audio book Mum’s listening to. Although Ari sloped off to watch out of the window saying it wasn’t his sort of book.
Filling in holes
The most active thing Mum did was start filling in some of the holes in the walls. She says it will take a time to see if her efforts have been successful. One of the holes was so big that she decided to stuff some paper into it first to fill it in, before applying the filler. She isn’t very confident that it will work. She also has to work out how to get some plugs out of the wall before she fills the holes as they stick out slightly. I’m just glad it’s not work that a dog can help with.
Back to the fence
The weather forecast is better today so Mum says I can help her finishing the stretch of fence she was working on. I’m not sure how I can help, but I’ll give it a go. I know she has some small branches to cut off before she starts so I could at the least carry those off and put them all over the grass. I could chew one or two of them into smaller pieces for her too – I’m good at that.