Much Improved Aristotle
We have a much improved Aristotle. There we all were worrying about him and in his usual laid back style he wants to know what all the fuss was about. Mum says she needs to check what comes out the other end before she is completely happy, but he’s taking his time on that front. That in itself is probably a good sign. He’s asked for extra rations to make up for the food he missed and isn’t thrilled that Mum isn’t letting him have any. Personally, I think that’s a pretty good sign.
Never do things by halves
Mum has been using up things in the freezer and cupboards to cut down on the things which need moving or which would go to waste. She had oranges for making marmalade and a large number of bags of preserving sugar. She hasn’t made jam since before I came into the house. I asked the others and only Shadow could remember the last time. Anyway, three batches of marmalade later and all the oranges and sugar have been dealt with. Instead she now has twenty-one jars of marmalade to move, plus some left from the last time she made it!
Covid travel
This whole travel thing is complicated. Dad has to go back to Switzerland in a couple of weeks. He will have to quarantine when he gets there. Mum is having to work out exactly what he needs to do and book things for him. I said I’d like to go too, but I can’t do that. It’s a shame as if he is working from home he’d have me for company. It’s a shame we can’t all go. I do miss travelling with Mum. I hope we can go soon, but it still looks as though it could be a while. I’ll miss Dad while he’s away but he’s promised it won’t be for long.