Keep your head down
The best thing to do in our house at the moment is keep your head down. It seems Mum and Dad have very different views of cleaning. I keep telling them to be more like a dog – if you keep yourself clean then nothing else really matters. They have an altogether different approach. In Mum’s eyes cleaning is something to be done regularly. Apparently, dog hair everywhere is not acceptable – who knew?
Dad looked blank when Mum asked him to help by cleaning a particular room in the house. “I’ve done that one,” he said. Well, he has but Mum thinks it might need doing again seeing as that was two weeks ago! Dad seemed surprised. Now Mum is dreading the state the house in Switzerland will be in when she finally gets to visit again.
To be fair
To be fair to Dad, when he does a job he does it properly. Some of the things he has cleaned haven’t looked like that since the work was done to the house before they moved in, or so Mum admitted to me. I don’t think she wants Dad to know how much better a job of things he is doing than she is. I’m just staying out of the way.
All I can say is I hope this is the only time they ever decide to move house as the process seems alarming. There was one point yesterday when Mum was even thinking of throwing out another of my old dog beds. Not just putting it away but actually throwing it out – in the rubbish bin! We compromised and I agreed for it to go through the washing machine as long as I could keep it. Now all I need to do is get it suitably dirty again.