Eiger and Lia Love Story – Tuesday 16th March 2021

Eiger and Lia Love Story

Today is about the Eiger and Lia love story. I told you a few weeks ago that my nephew Eiger (Edison Eiger vom Rickental) was due to mate with Lia. Well, it all went ahead and Eiger asked if they could tell their story in their own words. So here is Eiger and Lia’s story of Covid Loving as told by themselves.

COVID Loving

Eiger & Lia

Covid loving came suddenly to me
Covid loving started at sea
It meant my best friend came over to me
But I was so happy it was going to be

Covid days flying right by
Rooo roo, the Covid nights

Roo-a roo-a roo
Doggie love doggie love
Did she have white paws?
Doggie love doggie love 
He has no flaws!!

Lia walked near me, cocking her tail
Eiger span near me, to no avail
I changed her life, upside down
He showed off, bounding around

Covid roo, fun in the sun
Rooo roo the Covid nights

Roo-a roo-a roo-a huh
Doggie love, doggie love
Was it his first time?
Doggie love, doggie love
I bet he was sublime?

Took her walking in the countryside
There were times we nearly tied
We made out in the stable block
I hope I’m not a laughing stock

Covid fling, don’t mean a thing
Rooo roo the Covid nights

Roo-a roo-a roo-a huh
Doggie love, doggie love
Was it blowing a gale
Doggie love, doggie love
We’ll be telling our individual tales

Eiger was cute, running around
Lia was funny standing her ground
He was sweet just turned three
Well, she is experienced wouldn’t you agree

Girls on heat, boy and girl meet
Rooo roo the Covid nights

Doggie love, doggie love
Did he have a good hip score?
Doggie love, doggie love
She was glad to come ashore

Our time past over, that’s where it ends
So I told her we’d still be best friends
5 weeks on and shes had a scan
With puppies I’m gonna be a dad

Covid dreams a memory it seems
Rooo roo our Covid nights

Now the wait

So thank you Eiger and Lia, we’re all so excited for you both and look forward to your puppies being born in a few weeks’ time. I’m sure the proud father will let us know when they arrive. We’re sending all our love to Lia and hope her pregnancy goes well.




  1. Oh dear, oh …
    … dear Wilma!
    What a heart rending love poem you presented the dog-world with today.
    I’m sure that myriads of dogs (bitches rather than males, probably) broke out in tears.
    You never had a date with a stud dog like Lia with Eiger. You were deprived of the possibility to become a mother – poor you. So now you still hang on to all the stories being told about this mating business, and you nurse your dreams.
    Carry on doing that if it helps you to remain a happy dog.
    The only thing I can tell you: It’s what starts nine weeks after the mating that you really missed, poor Wilma, not the mating.
    That, Tina Turner brought it to point I completely agree with: That had never anything to with love.
    Have a good time and enjoy the spring, the squirrels and the siskins.
    Valeria (Susi agrees to every word I wrote)

    • Oh Valeria, he’s your son. You should know what he’s like. He is very proud of the fact he will be a father, although I think he’s probably glad not to have to do the cleaning up.
      Give my love to Mama Susi too,
      your ever loving sister

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