Hide and Slide – Saturday 13th March 2021

Hide and Slide

Today Aristotle is showing you the Hide and Slide – actually, it’s called Hide n’ slide but the title field on my diary doesn’t work right if I use apostrophes. Ours is an old one that we’ve had for years. The most similar one I can find is the Nina Ottoson one HERE. As with others I’ve shown you, the idea is that you hide treats and your dog has to work out how to get them. There are two types of compartment on our one. The slide part is quite easy as you can just move that with your nose. It doesn’t take long for it to happen accidentally, so you soon work out what to do.

Lift up Compartments

Ours has lift up compartments on a little scrolling wheel. As you will see on the video that Aristotle did, he found it easier just to find what point he could press with his nose to open it than to scroll. It is one of those where if you aren’t careful we get impatient and go for the brute force option.

How good is it?

With all these things it’s great to have them as presents and we do appreciate them. This is one we prefer to play with having a human alongside to guide us and take part. If humans leave us to play on our own then we tend to get fed up and walk away. It’s one of those we’ll be inclined to put on the too difficult pile.

It’s all about balance

A good dog toy is about balance. We stay engaged for two reasons 1) there is enough likelihood of getting the food in a reasonable space of time 2) it involves interaction with our human and they attention we most enjoy. No dog is going to turn down a new toy, but this wouldn’t be our first choice.

