A Spring in our step – Tuesday 16th February 2021

Ari taking a selfie with Mum
Ari taking a selfie with Mum

A spring in our step

Yesterday we all had a spring in our step. The sun came out and it was much warmer than it had been. It was just lovely to be outside. Mum has reinstated our walking round the yard regime, now there is no risk of slipping over on the ice. Shadow did her best but said she was out of puff after seven laps. Ari, well he was Ari. He didn’t do his best. He simply said he couldn’t see the point after lap eight and refused to carry on. Me, on the other paw. I’d have been happy to be outside all day. Mum did let me have a little extra time out there without her, but that was on the condition I did not chase the squirrels.

You wouldn’t believe how many times I had to repeat to myself ‘I will not chase the squirrels.’ It’s a bit like having to remind yourself not to wash your bottom in public. Humans don’t take well to that either.

Planning a week off

Mum has said she is planning a week off. Don’t misunderstand, we won’t be going anywhere. She will have finished what she’s working on at the moment and says she will take a week off between that and the next project. I’m already planning all the things I want her to do outside with me that week. I just hope the weather is good. I think it will be in March, so maybe it will be warm enough for us to spend all day outside.

If the weather is bad, I’m proposing that we spend the week snuggled up in bed. I think Mum might quite like that idea too. She did say she’d make a bed up downstairs if we did, so the others could get in too.

