Too much choice.
I decided to bring you a flashback but there’s just too much choice. There have been fifteen 12th of Februarys before this one.
I started with 2006 when Alfie was a young puppy
Houseplants 2006
I’ve been having a close look at the plants in the intensive care unit, that’s what my mistress calls the ones on the kitchen window ledge. When I say look, I may actually mean nibble. Surprisingly this seems to be an area where humans and dogs have different expectations. You can’t tell if a plant is getting better just by looking at it. You need to know if it has the right taste to it. Well, I can report the branch that accidentally came off in my paws, tasted just fine. I tried telling my mistress, the rest of the plant may look a little lop-sided to her way of thinking, but I hear that is the latest fashion in house plants, at least it is going to have to be in this house!
The following year, when Alfie was still an only dog. This is what he had to say about Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day 2007
I have just realised it is Valentine’s Day on Wednesday and I haven’t got anyone to send a card to. I never did get round to trying to find internet dating or speed dating for dogs. I’m guessing speed dating for dogs is very different than for humans. I can’t imagine it being acceptable for humans to go round and sniff each other’s bottoms to decide if they want to see each other again. For dogs that is perfectly acceptable and for the most part is what would be expected. You get a much better idea about the dog and where it has been, what its lifestyle is like and what it eats, by having a really good sniff. Just having a few minutes to talk tells you so little, for a start they could make up what they tell you but you can’t make up a smell. A smell can’t lie. It’s a far more reliable way of finding things out.
Of course, when my mistress tried internet dating years ago the person she met set fire to the restaurant menu, which rather set the tone for a disastrous evening. Maybe all things considered I’ll just snuggle up to my mistress on Valentine’s day.
There was just too much choice to bring you anymore. Back in the present and it will be me having to cuddle up to Mum on Valentine’s Day this year. On the bright side, I think she is planning to have a meal with Dad over Alexa. The important part of that as far as I am concerned is that it is going to involve steak! Hopefully, my luck will be in.