Puppy Promises flashback
I’ve got a puppy promises flashback for you today. I will come back to Alfie as a puppy being unwell, but first I liked this about Tess when she was little. Tess is one of Shadow’s second litter. She’s stayed being a good puppy and has a lovely family, but here is Mum’s promise to her back in 2013
A promise to Tess
You should hear my Mistress talking to little ‘Tessie’, not that I’m jealous you understand, but there she is pampering the little thing saying that if when she goes off to her humans she’s worried about anything then all she has to do is pick up the phone and call and my Mistress would be right there. Now I know I’m only her dog, but I think she might be missing something. Who in their right mind lets a 10 week old have access to the telephone? I was at least six months old before I was allowed to do things like that.
You just know that goody four paws Tess is going to be absolutely fine with her family. She will probably never put a paw wrong. Ok so she was chewing on her brother’s ear earlier, but she was only getting her own back for the way they gang up on her. It’s hard to really feel annoyed with her, she is beautiful and much as I’m jealous even I have to admit she is the most gentle puppy you can imagine.
As for Alfie, well this sounds awfully familiar of my puppyhood. Alfie was just over a year old when he discovered the ills of eating everything he could find. This is what he wrote way back in 2007.
Sick Puppy
How should I know which particular item I found in the garden made me sick on the lounge rug? I’d read on my master’s ‘Worst Case Scenario Calendar’ that if I am stranded somewhere I should never eat white berries so it definitely wasn’t any of those. It might have been the foul tasting stuff I found under the bush but it might not have been. All I know is that I did not deserve to be shouted at by my master.
As always my mistress stuck up for me, even though she was left with the task of cleaning up. I was a bit subdued for a while and it was a few hours before I felt compelled to go back into the garden to see if I could find out what had caused it. I got to snuggle up on the bed with my mistress so it was definitely worth it.
That’s enough from the archives. Have a lovely Friday.
Love Wilma