A hamper for Dad
We’re putting together a hamper for Dad. Mum says we can all put something in it to send to him for Christmas. Shadow has contributed a Bonio but I’m not entirely certain he’ll want to eat it. She may have had a nibble of one corner first. It’s more about Mum sending him the English food stuffs that he won’t find in Switzerland so easily. Things like mince pies. Dad loves mince pies. Mum said she used to think you could get those everywhere, until they lived in Belgium. They invited their neighbours for ‘Mulled Wine and Mince Pies’. That was when she found you could not easily buy either of them.
In my homeland they have Gluhwein, which is really like mulled wine, so we think Dad will be all right for that. They don’t normally have mince pies or Christmas pudding though, so those will need to be parcelled up for him as they are his favourites. He’s partial to Twiglets and Jaffa Cakes too. I’m sure there are lots of other things we could send him but there is only so much room in the box. I just wish I could deliver it in person instead of having to post it – maybe I’ll include a photo of me so he doesn’t forget me.
Pet Passports
This whole Brexit thing really does need sorting out. It is now only a matter of a month to the end of the year and as yet there is no decision about what category the UK will fall into for pet entry requirements. It is not an immediate problem for me, Mum made sure I’m covered for most eventualities, but we would like to help people to import puppies of our breed and we just don’t know how possible it will be. Sometimes humans can be very disorganised.