A Wonderful Present – Sunday 18th October 2020

A Wonderful Present

Mum has bought me a wonderful present. I have a book of my very own. Years ago, Alfie was given a book all about how the Niesen Fox goes up the mountain opposite my sister Tosca’s house, every night to light the lamp. He used to love curling up with Mum while she read it to him. Mum has read the story to me, but it is not the same as having my own book.

What Colour is the Sea?

My book is called What Colour is the Sea? And it’s all about a Koala in Australia asking all the other animals about the sea because she’d never seen it. They all give her different answers so she goes to find out for herself. It’s a lovely story with really nice pictures. I’m going to ask Mum to read it for me every single bedtime, in the best traditions of small children. It is written and drawn by a good friend of Mum, the very talented Katie Stewart. She designs Mum’s book covers too.

I’m going to keep it upstairs by my bed so it’s always ready for Mum to read to me.

Keeping things going

I’d swear this house would come to a grinding halt if it weren’t for me. If I had not stood and barked in Mum’s ear non-stop at 6.45am yesterday morning. I’m sure she wouldn’t have got up. And, after being so helpful, do you think she was grateful? Do you think she said ‘Goodness, Wilma, thank you. I’d have overslept if it weren’t for you.’ Not a word of it. She actually told me to be quiet.

Mum asked if I could perhaps not do it quite so early on a weekend, but since when has the day of the week made much difference around here?

