Update on Little Alfie – Saturday 17th October 2020

Update on Little Alfie

Today we have an update on Little Alfie. I’m sure you’ll agree he’s not looking so little anymore. Our ‘Little Alfie’ is looking very like a grown up dog and isn’t he handsome? I’m delighted to say, we aren’t the only ones who think he’s a very good looking boy. He entered a local dog show recently. There were forty puppies and he came fourth. Well done, Alfie. He also entered a class with his young human and they came second in the 6 – 10 age group, which was brilliant as his young handler is only 6 years old. They must be very proud of each other.


Alfie hasn’t totally got the hang of the everyday training lark. He hates keeping quiet, especially around his arch nemesis, the neighbouring cat. He has our sympathy. Cats can be tricky. Mind you, Shadow got into BIG troubler earlier today for chasing the squirrel and she’s eleven years old so should know better.

He still jumps on his humans in excitement and is trying to work on that. Growing up can be very hard, Alfie. Our humans often expect quite a lot from us. The only reassurance I can give you, buddy is that over time they do lower their standards and accept our bad behaviour without so much desperation.

Who’s been sleeping in my bed?

Meanwhile, my friend Ruff is staying with Dad this weekend. He’s taken all his own things for his sleepover, but I’ve said it’s ok if he wants to use my bed. I don’t mind sharing. Mum says that’s one of my better qualities, I’m really not possessive about anything much. I like sharing, even with Aristotle. I just wish I could be in Switzerland too so I could show Ruff around our area and play with him. He’s getting to meet all the neighbourhood dogs without me to proudly show him off, which is a shame.

I took a photo of Dad with Ruff at the other end of the Alexa screen

