Today is the day – Thursday 1st October 2020

Today is the day

Today is the day and I think Izzy must be very excited. My niece is going to meet her stud dog later today. We are all hoping that they have a great time. She’s having another progesterone test this morning just to make sure it’s the right point. We fully expect that it is. It’s so exciting. Mum is going to be impossible to be around while she waits for news later on. Good luck Izzy and Bandet from all of us. Shadow says if she can do it then anyone can, but I’m not sure it really works like that.

Dog beds

There is no shortage of dog beds in this house. Mum had to stop her tendency to keep buying new ones for birthdays and Christmases, given there were four of us. The spare ones are used for kennels and to replace worn out ones when they come to the end of their lives. That doesn’t happen very often as Mum does a good line in dog bed repairs using old pillows and scraps of material where needed. Anyway, yesterday was a momentous occasion. She actually threw an old dog bed out.

It was so funny. As a result of the suspected mouse incident, Mum is in the process of giving our utility a thorough clean and clear out. She went through a pile of old beds that are stacked up in a corner, partly expecting a mouse to pop out. None did of course. One of the beds pretty much fell apart in her hands and rather than put it back on the pile she actually marched out to the bin with it. That is quite an achievement for her.

Sharing a bed

Having said all that about plenty of beds, Shadow can be odd. In Mum’s bedroom we have two beds. One very big one that we can both share, or which Shadow likes to stretch out in and one regular size one. Shadow said she was aching a bit, so I got in the regular sized one expecting her to want to stretch out. She sat on top of me. It’s not like I’m hard to see. I did the only sensible thing and having squeezed out from underneath her I went to get into bed with Mum.

