Body double wanted – Thursday 20th August 2020

Body double wanted

You know how Hollywood stars sometimes have body doubles that can play parts of films they don’t want to? I think it’s mainly for things like stunts or doubling for the naked scenes if a star doesn’t want to do that sort of thing. Well, I’ve hit on an idea. I’m now auditioning for a body double who can substitute for me on some of my video calls. It was fun to begin with, but I’ve taken to getting a bit fidgety and playing up. It’s the whole sitting still for half an hour thing, it never was my forte.

When both Dad and Mum are in the same place and sitting either side of me it’s not so bad, but when I’ve only got Mum here and Dad is on the screen along with the people I’m meeting, well I’ve started to rebel a little.

Poor Pay

I’m afraid I can’t pay very well. I can offer the odd Bonio here and there, but just think of the good you’d be doing. You should see it more as a calling rather than a paid career. Just imagine how proud you could be telling your friends that you’re the famous Wilma’s body double. Ok, so maybe not so famous, but a girl can dream.


I’ve been letting Shadow and Aristotle do some of them, but frankly they just aren’t so good at it. Shadow prefers to lie on the floor than be up on the settee for very long. She also has a tendency to get overexcited and lunge straight into Mum’s face. That never goes down well. As for Aristotle, the problem there is he doesn’t like to stay up late. He gets very twitchy as bed time approaches in case Mum expects him to stay up. I think if he were going to really do them properly we’d have to move them to earlier in the day.

Aristotle begging yesterday

Which brings me back to the fact that the only solution is to advertise for a body double. Please email me if you would like to apply.

