Travel Friday Flashback – Friday 31st July 2020

Travel Friday Flashback

It’s a travel Friday Flashback. I started looking through the diary and so many past entries for this day seem to feature travel. I said to Mum that perhaps we should at the very least set off out of the front door and pretend we are going somewhere. Dad’s off to see my sister’s puppies again later so I really am a little jealous.

I’m not going to tell you about the less good travelling stories, like the time Shadow’s microchip failed and she couldn’t come home. Or the time Shadow got pancreatitis and ended up in hospital. I’m just going to look back at what a wonderful day I had last year on 31st July – so here it is.

July 2019 So much fun

I’m having so much fun. I just love being here. On Monday evening I took Mum and Dad out for ice cream. I did not have one! Ok, so I complained quite loudly and was made to wait in the car, but what do they expect? To be fair there was a lady who was scared of dogs, which is why I was put in the car. I don’t think my behaviour would make her any less scared and Mum told me to take a time out to reflect on what I was doing. I have and I’d just like to say I’ll probably bark next time too!

Travel Flashback to Seeing Mama

Then yesterday morning I went for a walk with Mama. My sister was too busy looking after the puppies which gave me time to play chase with Mama with no one to tell me off. I did most of the running, but it was lovely to run circles around Mama. I’d been to the vet first thing to have my passport stamped for coming home. I’m pleased to say I’ve lost 1.2kg so I was running around in celebration. Mum says she wants me to lose another 2 – 3kg yet so I guess I can’t get too excited. Oh who am I kidding? I always get excited.

Lakeside walk

After that I took Mum home and she did lots of boring work while I tried to work out why I couldn’t get through the glass door to chase next door’s cat. You can tell I’ve been away too long, one of their cats has taken to sitting on our fence and waving to me and the other sits right outside the window. The cheek of it.

Today’s plan

Today’s plan is really going to depend on the weather. Mum has said we can do a long walk if it’s cool enough and not raining. I’m not sure what we’re doing if it’s too warm or too wet yet. I know there is gardening to do, but that may have the same restrictions.

So that was last year – now we just need to find a way to make this year more exciting!




  1. Hi Wilma, just wanted to tell you I had a great time yesterday. My trainer brought her dog and we had a walk together and then we went into the training field and had a run and play off the lead. It was great to see Dig again, he is a Border Collie. Hope you have a good day, it is going to be very hot so I do not think I will be out much. I will have my walks but then I will chill on my cool mat. Love Dickens X

    • Mum is going to see if we’ll go in the pool later. To be honest I would rather play with a Border Collie, but I can’t have everything.
      Have a lovely day

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