We are all being put into a period of retraining. I’m not impressed. We haven’t really had a settled time with us all knowing what’s going on for a very long time. Not since Mum broke her ankle last November really. First there was Alfie’s illness, then the whole Covid19 and Dad coming home. There has been other family stuff going on too, which has meant that we dogs haven’t really known what’s what. Ari having an operation on his leg made it weird in other ways too. Anyway, Mum says when Dad goes back to Switzerland again next week we need to sort out a new routine.
Not just routine
The worst part is she says this is not just about routine. We’ve all forgotten some of our manners and Mum says it’s time to start behaving a little better. She isn’t waiting until next week but has already made a start. The reality of the situation was made clear to me at breakfast yesterday. I had to sit and wait for breakfast to be served without diving in. I was also made to wait! That was soooo hard. Mum has said that everyday events will all be part of our retraining. There is to be no barking when she’s on the phone. No getting over excited when it’s time to get up – good luck with that one!
Aristotle’s rehabilitation is moving on to the next step. He’s going to spend some time with Shadow. I still can’t be trusted to play with him without winding him up, but he and Shadow should be ok. He’s already back to climbing on the settee with Mum when she sits down and he’s working on strengthening his back leg by walking on two legs to see if there is anything on the kitchen counters. I’m hoping to be allowed to play with him again eventually.