Good news from Valeria – Saturday 4th July 2020

Good news from Valeria

I received some very good news from Valeria yesterday. My sister Valeria has had her puppies. I’m now the proud aunt of three more nieces and one more nephew. I do wish I could travel out to Switzerland to see them. Dad is hoping to visit them when he goes back, but sadly I will just have to wait to see some pictures. I don’t know when Mum will feel it’s safe to drive me out there again. Anyway, congratulations to Valeria. I really am very proud of all you’ve done to help our breed.

A liability

Mum is a liability. Yesterday she started to get things straight in the room she has been decorating. She has a big clock to go on the wall. It needs a battery so she put one in. As the clock didn’t start working, Mum presumed she had got it the wrong way round. When she went to take it out she burnt her fingers. It was the right way round but the wrong type of battery and had got very hot. Anyway, she carefully took that battery outside where it could cool down safely and has ordered a new battery for the clock. She is now just hoping that she hasn’t ruined the clock mechanism! You leave her alone for five minutes and this is what happens. You know what humans are like left to their own devices. I do sometimes wonder about crate training her for her own good.

Zooming again

I’m back on Zoom call duty again today. I said to mum I should invite you all to join me on a call. It would be kind of fun to see lots of you at the same time. Mum said that wouldn’t be without its complications and maybe we could talk about me doing a video or two instead. I could become one of those Vloggers and a social influencer. It sounds like quite an exciting career path for a dog.

