Absent-mindedness flashback
We’re looking at absent-mindedness in Friday flashback. It turns out that nine years ago, Alfie really was a dog after my own heart:
Absent-mindedness is a godsend
Sometimes you have to laugh and keep your own counsel. I think my Mistress is either under pressure or becoming senile. Whichever it is, on this occasion I was the beneficiary. In a morning she normally puts our bowls in different rooms. Shadow eats in the utility, Megan eats in the kitchen and I eat in the bit between the two. It saves on the arguments as to whose bowl has got more in and with both girls on a diet those discussions can become fearsome. About half an hour after feeding us, my Mistress found that my bowl and Shadow’s bowl were next to each other in the same room.
That either meant we had eaten amicably but Shadow a little later than me, or it meant that my Mistress had actually fed me twice and hadn’t fed Shadow at all. What was she to do? Shadow is on a diet and can’t be trusted where food is concerned. She was bound to say I had eaten it so that she could have some more. I on the other paw simply can’t be trusted where food is concerned. I was bound to say it wasn’t me. The only option was for Shadow to be given another bowl of food to be on the safe side that she had eaten. All I can say is that I was one happy dog that morning.
I only had to move forward another year for Alfie to make me laugh with his next entry. Oh we do miss him

Whose hair?
We may have a small complication. Someone is losing their hair and it’s not the time of year for that to be me or Aristotle. It won’t be Megan as she has had her season and that can only mean it’s Shadow. You may think that’s no big deal. However the girls normally lose their hair a month before coming into season. We weren’t expecting that to happen with Shadow for around seven or eight weeks, not four.
Again no big deal, except it might mean that my Mistress has to take her from their holiday straight to Switzerland and then the rest of the family will be stranded. Now I don’t know what you think, but I don’t think they are going to take that very well. If they just come back to the hotel one day and find my Mistress has packed up and gone and taken the car with her they aren’t going to be best pleased. Why is nothing ever straightforward in this family? From my point of view I need more hormonal women about as much as I need a bath, or more rain.
You may be relieved to know, I did check and Mum brought everyone home from holiday before she took Shadow to Switzerland to meet the stud dog.