Breakfast in bed – Sunday 31st May 2020

Breakfast in bed

Well it turns out that Shadow rather liked the idea of breakfast in bed. She has been giving us all the impression that her legs aren’t as good as they used to be and she can’t jump very high. Then yesterday she didn’t want to be left out. She made very clear that where Mum went she was going too. She even pushed the bedroom door open herself, using her nose rather than the handle – she has not quite reached my level of expertise. Anyway, once she was through the door she took a run up to really get some momentum and launched herself onto the bed. She was so pleased with herself as she sat drooling over Mum and Dad’s breakfast. Mum wasn’t impressed, but Dad always goes soft where Shadow is concerned.


The other funny thing that happened yesterday I didn’t have my camera handy for. It was when Mum was getting breakfast ready to go back to bed with. While the toast was doing its thing in the toaster, we were looking out of the window. One of our resident squirrels was having a bit of a wander around the garden. Anyway, it came up to the patio and found one of my bones. The bone was almost as big as the squirrel, but it picked it up and took it back to the grass then sat gnawing on it.

You cannot believe how frustrating it is to watch a squirrel chewing your bone and not be able to go outside to chase after it. I did have a good sniff of the bone later to see what I could find out, but I didn’t learn a great deal.

New Bird Feeder

The squirrel reminds me that our old bird feeder broke last week. It’s now at half height as the main pole broke. Anyway, the new one is going to be great fun when it arrives, or at least Mum thinks it is. It’s a signpost. She is going to paint the names of places and distances on it before she puts it up. I’ll take a photo when it’s done.

