Flashback to Snow – Friday 15th May 2020

Flashback to Snow

I’m going to do a Friday Flashback to Snow because apart from boring you with the problems of Aristotle’s (he may be going for an x ray today), there’s nothing much else going on. This was interesting from last year. The reason being, the tree hasn’t dropped any furry bits this year. None at all.

Flashback to Playing in the snow

Wilma thought she was playing in the snow yesterday. Obviously it isn’t snow, but it doesn’t hurt to use your imagination once in a while. We can’t remember ever having so many seeds from the tree making the whole garden white before. Our Mistress was doing some reading and thinks that maybe the tree hasn’t been pollinated in previous years, but that doesn’t make complete sense as it always tries to grow loads more little trees. We do now know our trees are female if nothing else. The biggest problem is that when our Mistress tried to work in the summerhouse so we could have more time outdoors we kept making it all whirl around and go inside to make her sneeze. We didn’t do it deliberately, it was just one of those things which couldn’t be helped.

Six years earlier the garden was white for a completely different reason. This is May 2013

White Over

Yesterday the garden disappeared under a layer of white. It didn’t snow but it hailed for so long that it looked like a winter scene and it thundered too. More to the point there was a big flash of lightning and my Mistress wasn’t very happy. I always thought the humans were supposed to look after the dogs rather than the other way round!

Then I decided to look back to when Shadow was a puppy. Mum had completely forgotten how naughty she was, which is perhaps as well. This was in 2009


It took a little bit of time for my Mistress to wake up to the noises coming from the hall and realise that Shadow had run off with a shoe. I can honestly say that I don’t know what it is about dogs and shoes. I’ve never had the least inclination to run off with or chew on anyone’s shoes. With Shadow it is an altogether different matter. She’ll even have a go if the person is still wearing them.

Well that’s all from me for today. Have a lovely Friday.

