Shadow Flashback – Friday 8th March 2020

Shadow Flashback

It’s Friday Flashback once again and we’re having a Shadow Flashback. I started by looking back to 2009 when Shadow was just a young puppy.

Rabies Jab

It turns out that being in charge does not make you brave. Shadow was so nervous at the vet yesterday having her rabies jab that the vet has suggested that next time I should take her as she may feel better with me around. I felt really quite proud when my Mistress told me that. It will of course mean that my Mistress has her hands full with us when we go, but we might be able to make it quite fun. I didn’t think it was quite so much a compliment when the vet said I could be bribed more easily than Shadow, anyone would think that there was something wrong with being enthusiastic about food.

Then I found this from 2012 when for a brief spell this was a five dog household. Obviously there have been more when Shadow has had litters of puppies, but five full sized dogs is… well, bonkers. It came about when Amigo needed a new home. Mum says he was only six months old so not actually an adult.

Room for All

Well we are all home and I really do mean ALL. Obviously there is Shadow who didn’t go away and Megan who caused all the fuss and me and Ari back from kennels but then there’s Amigo too. He’s slotted right in to the team. He’s not really certain what is ok so we are showing him the ropes. Ari will have him stealing off the kitchen side before you know it and I’m already teaching him the most comfortable spots around the house.

What is difficult for him is that he has been put on a diet as he needs to lose a bit round the middle. He tried claiming it was just puppy fat, but I said that even as a puppy it is better to make sure you don’t sag in any inappropriate places. He’s got a really soft rich coat and is very loving. He needs to do a bit of work on the old training, but he’s already working on it and is doing most of the things I tell him. It’s nice seeing the brothers together, although funny seeing Ari as the more confident one. I remember when he was just the bottom of the chain and now look at him.

 Reading that last bit by Alfie has reminded me just how quiet it is around here now with only 3 of us. Shadow does her best to make up for it, but it is definitely quieter.

