oh so quiet
It’s oh so quiet here. We went for a lovely walk in the sunshine and we only saw one car the whole time. For me that was still one too many as I’m not keen on cars, but we were walking along a road so normally there would be a lot more than that. We saw more people on bicycles getting their once a day exercise than in cars and some who were walking, but everyone was very good and stayed away from each other. Mum stopped to enjoy the view, which was so annoying as I can’t see over the hedgerows to see what she was looking at. I had to make do with sniffing. Obviously, that was no great hardship, but I’d have liked to see the view too.
Aristotle has taken to his new location very well. He is being spoiled by Mum, which he is loving. He says being crate bound is a small price to pay for all the extra attention. He is less impressed that his food rations have been reduced. Mum says it’s no good him carrying extra weight at a time like this. Aristotle on the other paw thought it just made him that little bit more cuddly. I think he’s been listening to Dad! Anyway, being forced to be good is actually meaning he’s resting his leg properly and Mum thinks it has improved as a result. Anyway, she has postponed his appointment with the specialist to see if he can manage without their intervention. I think what really swayed her decision was thinking about all the bandages he might eat and what they’d do to him.
Weather Forecast
I looked ahead at the weather forecast. It looks as though it might stay as nice weather right up to when Dad is allowed out of isolation. Then, at the point he’s finally going be able to come outside with us – it’s going to rain!