Unexpected turn
Well, life has taken an unexpected turn . We’re bringing Dad home for a while. He decided that on balance he’d like to feel nearer the rest of the family and, if he had to work from home anyway, that might as well be here. It really will all be very odd as he will be in isolation when he comes home for two weeks. That means none of us will actually see him, except to wave to through the bedroom window. Mum is going to have to leave his food on a tray outside his room and then clear up and wash things straight away to be safe.
We did look at whether it made sense to rent somewhere for him for a couple of weeks. If we had done then Shadow was going to go to look after him. We decided this would be best, I just hope we got it right.
In the garden everything is starting to grow. The apple trees are getting leaves and there is blossom on the cherry trees. The daffodils are out and looking very merry. It makes us stop and think how much Alfie would have liked to see it. I know it’s only been a few days, but it as though spring has suddenly started to arrive and he did so love being in the garden in spring.
Happy Mother’s Day
I nearly forgot to wish Mama Susi a very happy Mother’s Day. I do wish I could see her, but travel will have to wait. We’re hoping that by the time Dad goes back to Switzerland we will be able to go too and spend a little longer there than in the past. Mum says we need to get Aristotle’s leg sorted out first as well.
Hello, firstly can I just wish all Mummies everywhere a very HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
What lovely news about your Dad you must be so excited. It will lovely to feel him near even if hugs and strokes have to wait.
Have a lovely day and enjoy this sunny weather.
Love from us all
Oh thank you Dickens. We are so excited. Mum’s told me I can’t even go and sniff outside his door until he’s allowed out.
Wilma xxx
This is going to be tough. I will have to be waited on hand and foot. Just have to remember exactly what I want each time Mum comes to the door or else she will be up and down those stairs like nobody’s business!
Just remember Mum says she’s your ‘Doesn’t carer’ you may go hungry in which case you will need to call me to bring you some of my dog food.
Love Wilma
Safe flight, Dad. Hope you get back safely to your clan. Enjoy being waited on but I wouldn’t get too used to it!
Mum says he really needs not to get used to it, or he will be very disappointed